Delhi Dt 05.11.2022 –

Condemning the arrest of MBBS students who were protesting democratically and peacefully at PGIMS, Rohtak against the fee hike of Rs 40 lakh for the MBBS course by the Haryana government, Sourav Ghosh, General Secretary of All India Democratic Students’ Organization (AIDSO) has issued the following statement to the press:
“All India Democratic Students’ Organisation (AIDSO) strongly condemns the abhorrent act of forcibly arresting MBBS students at 2.30 am in the night who were protesting democratically and peacefully at PGIMS, Rohtak, with a legitimate demand to revoke the hiked fees of Rs 40 lakh for the four-year MBBS course by the Haryana government. AIDSO tags this attitude of the Haryana government towards students as cowardly and dictatorial. By suppressing the voice of the students, the government is constantly destroying the democratic rights of the students.
When there was a need for the BJP government to take the initiative to pay attention to the students and solve the problem, the government suppressed their movement. The MBBS students and doctors, who were agitating against the Rs 40 lakh fee hike in government medical colleges, were forcibly picked up by the police late at night and taken away in buses. Medical students and particularly the girls were mishandled, beaten up, and showered with water on a cold winter night. Instead of paying heed to the demands of the students, the Haryana government, intoxicated with power, is hell-bent on dictatorship.
The demands of the students are justified; it is their democratic right to agitate peacefully and to raise their legitimate demands.
Hence, AIDSO demands from the Haryana Government to unconditionally release the arrested MBBS students and listen to the students demands to withdraw the wild fee hike and anti-student bond policy. This not been effected with urgency, AIDSO will organise a resistance movement against this draconian bond fee policy of the Haryana Government, as a part of a larger ongoing movement to save education, health, and democratic rights of the general public and especially the students. AIDSO also calls upon the students of the country and the education-loving people of the country to strongly raise their voices against this dictatorial step of the Haryana government.”